Animation Effects
You can create any effect you like. For quick or advanced changes, use these formatting tags. Note that these tags have limitations and some cannot be combined.
<multiply times="100">|</multiply>
Multiply a character a specific number of times.
<gradient start="#000000" end="#ffffff">--------------------</gradient>
Creates an RGB gradient for text in Minecraft 1.16.1 or higher.
- start: Start HEX color (must start with #)
- end: End HEX color (must start with #)
<fade start="#000000" end="#ffffff" steps="20">Testing</fade>
Creates an RGB fade effect for text in Minecraft 1.16.1 or higher.
- start: Start HEX color (must start with #)
- end: End HEX color (must start with #)
- steps: Number of frames between start and end colors
Has Permission
<haspermission permission="">You have permission</haspermission>
Displays content if the player has the specified permission.
<haspermission negative="Nop, you don't" permission="">You have permission</haspermission>
The negative parameter displays an alternative message.
When Equal
<whenequal test1="abc" test2="abc">It's equal</whenequal>
Displays content if "test1" and "test2" are equal.
When Not Equal
<whennotequal test1="abc" test2="abcd">It's not equal</whennotequal>
Displays content if "test1" and "test2" are not equal.
Regex Match
<regexmatch pattern=" (.*?) ">This is a test</regexmatch>
Matches text using a regex pattern. Specify the group number with group="1"
Nested Placeholders
Parses all placeholders inside and then as a complete placeholder.
Number Format
<numberformat type="NUMBER">5945</numberformat>
"5,945"Formats numbers using localized settings.
- type: Type of number ("NUMBER", "INTEGER", "PERCENTAGE", "CURRENCY")
- locale: ISO locale (e.g., en-US, en-UK, nl-BE)
Fade In
Creates a fade-in effect.
Fade Out
Creates a fade-out effect.
<glow repeatfirstframe="10" startglowcolor="&b&l&o" glowcolor="&1&l" endglowcolor="&b&l&o" normalcolor="&a&l">CREATIVE</glow>
Creates a glow effect.
- repeatfirstframe: Number of times the first frame (without glow) is shown
- startglowcolor: Glow prefix colors (usually lighter)
- endglowcolor: Same as startglowcolor but behind the middle glow
- glowcolor: Middle glow color
- normalcolor: Normal color
- stop: Stops at a specific moment (advanced, for partial glow)
<translate from="en" to="nl">Hello how are you?</translate>
"Hallo hoe gaat het?"Translates text using Google Translate. Use {locale_short}
or {countrycode}
placeholders for dynamic translation.
- to: Language to translate to (2 letters)
- from: Language to translate from (2 letters)
Performs a calculation.
- round: Rounds the result (
<calc round>5/3</calc>
When Range
<whenrange begin="0" end="10" value="{health}">BELOW 10</whenrange>
Checks if the value is within the specified range.
- begin: Starting value of the range
- end: Ending value of the range
- value: Value to check
Rainbow Effect
<rainbow>Text here</rainbow>
Creates a rainbow effect.
- legacy: Legacy flag (true) for MC 1.16.1 or higher
- steps: Number of frames between colors (MC 1.16.1 or higher)
Blink Effect
<blink>Text here</blink>
Makes the text blink once (on/off).
Scroll Effect
<scroll>&aA very long text &bhere that will scroll</scroll>
Scrolls the text with a default length of 16.
- width: Width of the scroll (default 16)
- space: Spaces between the beginning and ending
- single: true/false, set to true for switching between scrolls
- minwidth: Minimum width before scrolling starts
Example:<scroll width=50 space=50>This is a test</scroll>
Wave Effect
<wave>Text here</wave>
Creates a bold wave effect.
Delay/Repeat Effect
<delay times="20">This text will be delayed 20 times the interval</delay>
<repeat times="20">This text will repeat 20 times the interval</repeat>
Delays or repeats the text.
- times: Number of times the message is repeated
<lowercase>{placeholderhere} TestTEst</lowercase>
Converts text and placeholders to lowercase.
<uppercase>{placeholderhere} TestTEst</uppercase>
Converts text and placeholders to uppercase.
<substring begin="0" end="1">Test</substring>
Splits text or placeholders.
- begin: Beginning of the substring (starting from 0)
- end: End of the substring
Turns text upside down (buggy).
Script (Javascript)
Executes JavaScript for calculations and other operations.
<round decimals="2">5.4999</round>
Rounds a value.
- decimals: Number of decimals to round to
(4)Gets the length of a string.
For Iteration
<for times="5">Number $i</for>
<for times="5" variable="x">Number $x</for>
Creates a for iteration.
Example:<for times="<length>{player}</length>"><substring begin="0" end="$i">{player}</substring></for>
Trim (Remove Spaces)
<trim> Monkey </trim>
"Monkey"Trims spaces from the front and back of the text.
RPAD (Right Padding)
<rpad width="50">Hello!</rpad>
Pads text to the right side.
- width: Width to pad
- character: Character to pad with
LPAD (Left Padding)
<lpad width="50">Hello!</lpad>
Pads text to the left side.
- width: Width to pad
- character: Character to pad with
<center width="50">Hello!</center>
Centers text.
- width: Width to pad
- character: Character to pad with
"olleH"Reverses the text.
<colors>&5Test&3&l Hello</colors>
"&3&L"Gets the colors and effects from the string.
Strip Colors
<stripcolors>&5Test&3&l Hello</stripcolors>
"Test Hello"Removes colors and effects.
Other Player
<otherplayer player="SomePlayer">{playername}</otherplayer>
"SomePlayer"Translates placeholders from another player.
Gets the result of the URL (cached for 5 minutes by default).
- cache: Cache timeout before refreshing the URL result in milliseconds (default 300000 = 5 min)
Epoch Convert
<epochconvert from-milliseconds="1453680000">dd/MM/yyyy</epochconvert>
"25/01/2016"Converts Epoch Unix timestamp to a readable format.
- from-nanoseconds: Convert from a specific DATE/TIME in nanoseconds (UNIX TIME)
- from-milliseconds: Convert from a specific DATE/TIME in milliseconds
- from-seconds: Convert from a specific DATE/TIME in seconds
Formatting: Uses normal date formatting. Surround normal text like "months" or "days" with single quotes.
When Empty
<whenempty value="{factions_faction_name}">You have no faction</whenempty>
Shows a specific value when the text is empty.
Single Run
<single>You only see this once</single>
Makes the content appear only once in the animation loop.
Decision Output
<decision whentrue="You are flying" whenfalse="You are on the ground">{isflying}</decision>
Checks if the text is "true" or "false" and shows different outputs accordingly.
Full Width Latin
Converts text to Latin full width.
Command Prompt
<cmd repeatmiddle="10">Test</cmd>
Creates a typewriter effect with a blinking cursor.
- repeatstart: Time to show a blinking cursor before typing
- repeatmiddle: Time it stays blinking when the text is complete
- backwards: Use backspace after the text is written (true/false)
Progress Bar
<progressbar max="100">50</progressbar>
Progress bar at 50%<progressbar max="20">{health}</progressbar>
Progress bar based on health variable<progressbar max="20" scale="10">{health}</progressbar>
Scaled progress bar<progressbar max="20" scale="10" done="&c+" remaining="&8-">{health}</progressbar>
Customized progress bar
- max: Maximum value
- scale: Virtual max, scales down the value
- done: Text for completed progress
- remaining: Text for remaining progress
Countdown Timer
<countdown from-milliseconds="1453680000">d 'days' h 'hours'</countdown>
Counts down to a specific date/time.
- from-nanoseconds: Count down to a specific DATE/TIME in nanoseconds (UNIX TIME)
- from-milliseconds: Count down to a specific DATE/TIME in milliseconds
- from-seconds: Count down to a specific DATE/TIME in seconds
- defaultmessage: Default message when countdown has passed
Formatting: Uses normal date formatting. Surround normal text like "months" or "days" with single quotes.
Custom Effects
Upon starting the plugin for the first time, a folder effects
will be created. Inside, you will find a customeffects.yml
file where you can create custom effects.
# --------------------------- #
# Custom Effects
# --------------------------- #
config: 1
warning: # <warning messagecolor=c>Message here</warning>
# Optional arguments
messagecolor: 'c' # Use 'c' as the default value for messagecolor
# Use {message} as the placeholder for the text that is between the tags
- '&e&lWARNING: &{messagecolor}{message}'
- '&6&lWARNING: &{messagecolor}{message}'